Self Care Tips #becomingme


Recently I have been inspired by many influential people out there including Rachael Kable & Marissa Lace to take steps towards better my self-care, self-love and also my mindfulness. If you weren't aware, I have been a depression & anxiety sufferer since 2011 (with a relapse in 2015), as well as experiencing adrenal fatigue and being diagnosed with Hashimotos Disease. All of these combined have left me an anxious wreck, and instead of upping my medication, I want to search for the answers and cure within myself. In preparation of this journey, I would like to share with you a few tips for self-care that I have been slowly introducing into my routine.

Go On a Mindful Walk

100% credit of this has to go to Rachael Kable of The Mindful Kind. I was listening to one of her podcasts where she was discussing mindful walking, and I never really understood the power of it until I tried it. The first time I went for a walk with no music...just taking in the power of nature. I focused on the sounds I could here, the textures I could feel, the weather, and the calmness of the sun.  If mindful walking isn't for you, don't fear! Simply going for a walk outside, with your dogs, or partner, or even with some music, you are getting fresh air, surrounding yourself with nature, and exercising which will release happy endorphins as well as relieve your stress.

This was from my walk this morning with my beautiful dogs and my partner.

Have a Gratitude Journal

This is something very new to me, yet I can already notice the changes it has. I have a journal that i keep in my nightstand, and every night before I go to bed I will write down five things that I am grateful for. This literally forces you to THINK and forces you to think POSITIVELY. Even if you have an absolute crappy day, you may think that there is nothing positive going for you. However when you force yourself to truly think you will realise that you truly have things to be grateful for. They could be the fact that you ate today, or have a job to go to...or it could be something simple like "I had avocado on toast and it was amazing", or the scent of your body wash made you happy.


I have been really into reading lately, and I'm not just talking about novels. I have been reading lots of wellness books and it has been helping me so much with inspiration and offering direction for where I want this journey to take me. Marissa Lace uploaded a video recently about Books that have helped her in her journey so far. I have yet to purchase all of her recommendations (TRUST ME I WILL BE GETTING THEM ALL!) however I did order the Instant Happy Journal, which should be in my possession this week sometime (love fast delivery!). I am super excited to read even more books and really get in touch with my spirituality and happiness. A couple books I recommend you to read are Light Is The New Black by Rebecca Campbell & A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

There you have it! A few little tips that have started my journey off! I am trying to think of a hashtag that I can use to track my journey, just like Rachael has #themindfulkind and Marissa has #yearofyou. I want to be able to track my progress, and reflect on my journey over the months to come. I am thinking #becomingme as after all, my journey (and why my blog and instagram name is becomingtashh) is about becoming who i am meant to be. Becoming happy with my body and my self.

I understand this journey is going to be a long process, but this is a lifestyle change, not a quick fix to happiness.

Tee x

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